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Delta Fire pyrocumulus from the 3 Shastas overlook
Expand to Full Screen for 4K resolution. Timelapse 4K 1 frame per second, 9/5/2018. The very aggressive Delta Fire, burning just north of Lakehead. Fire season this year is like nothing anyone has ever seen. Anyone aware acknowledges that years of fire suppression and lack of adequate fuel reduction has created ticking time bombs in…
Hre’s a link to the MySpace page of Chico shoegazer the Soul’s Release. I love the name of this genre, shoegaze. I imagine young emo’s staring at their shoes earnestly. Anyway I like the music. There are a few tunes availalble on the page and you can download it from iTunes if you are…
JW's Big Weenie inserted into Bug Museum
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Some photos of Aug 22 Redding Dragstrip 10.5 Shootout
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