Neighborhood Church of Redding

neighborhood church in redding ca
Here’s a Redding Church with a name as unassuming as the architecture of its building. In addition to their east Redding Church facility on Loma Vista, Neighborhood Church of Redding has an extensive website. You can explore their Mission and precepts at the link. They also have videos of their message. I grabbed this one for the title, “Going to My Happy Place.” Neighborhood Church of Redding looks like a happy place indeed.

Happy: Going to My Happy Place from Neighborhood Church of Redding on Vimeo.

“The Bible is God’s text message to you,” says Pastor Bill Giovannetti. I like that idea. Bill dresses like a Redding man for the sermon; he knows his audience. Like his church, unassuming.
neighborhood church in redding caWhile shooting these images, it looks like construction is underway for a new building at their site, to the northeast. I’m looking forward to seeing what emerges there. If I have this right, Neighborhood Church is a member of an evangelical Protestant denomination of Christianity. From all appearances, one of the larger congregations in Redding

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