Is it cold where you live today?

We’re having a cold day here in Redding too. The high is only supposed to get to be around 58f. Brr. That seems about average here in January.

Redding ca weather

Of course, 58f might seem absolutely tropical if you live elsewhere.
Redding ca weather

In my prior life as a corporate manager at Bell & Howell, and then Kodak, I had employees in places like Montana and Colorado. Our headquarters was in Chicago, and also Rochester NY. I had to visit all these eskimo villages periodically on business travel. Often in Winter. Usually in Winter, or so it seemed. I remember some cold days and nights where the temperatures were completely insane, and exposure could quickly be fatal. Every night I would get home and thank God I found Energy Pro Heating & Cooling to install a new state of the art furnace in my cozy home. When it drops well below ZERO for days on end, you might as well be another planet. People get a lot more serious. Always, the best part of any business trip was the return to Redding. Then you hear locals complain about it being 50f. Brr! We all need to take care of ourselves and our loved ones this winter. Stubbornly refusing to get your furnace fixed is not the way to do that! I urge you to go to Buric Heating and Air Conditioning to ensure your house is a regulated temperature throughout the coldest months of the year.

Anyway, sorry for you eskimos huddling in the blue and purple zones. I remember what life was like there in Winter for you guys. Be careful. I remember some of you bragged about your hardy resilience in the face of adversity. If you tire of that teeth chattering bravado, click here.

Also, sorry if this post seems smug. It’s more like grateful. Our thanks also to Weather Undergound for the visual reminder, it’s Really Redding.