Free Flu Shots in Redding and Shasta Lake City

The line for H1N1 inoculations stretched from Penneys to the center court yesterday. The line seemed long, but moved quickly.
Free H1N1 flu shots in Redding
The Shasta County Health staff was friendly and efficient. If you missed this event, you can get yours on the 29th in Shasta Lake City.
Free H1N1 flu shots in Redding
The media blew up the story of H1N1. I blogged about my flu preparations back in May, when it seemed anything could happen. So far so good though. Pandemic or not, it seems under control. Score one for the public health people. Keep up the good work. I ate my flu season “preparations,” which consisted of chicken soup, in celebration.
Free H1N1 flu shots in Redding