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Redding’s fire based economy
We have had economic change over the years, just like everywhere. Our area was once mining based, and then railroad based, and then logging based. Today we are more or less medical services, and retail-based. Except for the substantial part that is government-based. And a big part of that has become the fire-camp based economy….
Delta Fire pyrocumulus from the 3 Shastas overlook
Expand to Full Screen for 4K resolution. Timelapse 4K 1 frame per second, 9/5/2018. The very aggressive Delta Fire, burning just north of Lakehead. Fire season this year is like nothing anyone has ever seen. Anyone aware acknowledges that years of fire suppression and lack of adequate fuel reduction has created ticking time bombs in…
Market Faire today, Redding California in 2013.
I like the interesting juxtaposition of elements in this photo from Market Faire a few weeks back. Click to expand the image. Examine the components. Our Car Culture on Market Street, both background and foreground. The Busker with the Blond Dreadlocks plays guitar to a Tattooed Man. The Comely Woman in the Black Skull T-Shirt,…