My friend Craig Padilla has lately been playing keyboards with longtime Redding guitar rockers Innerworkings. They are doing their first live gig with this new lineup at Bombay’s, opening for a band called Highlight Bomb and 2 other bands. $5 cover. Check out some excerpts of their new music at the image:

On another more immediate musical note, there is a podcast you should listen to if you like spacemusic. This one features Craig Padilla and me, along with Zero Ohms from our CD Beyond the Portal. You can listen from your browser if you don’t have an iPod. Are there people who don’t have iPods? Well anyway, its a very nice sampler of this genre put together by TC from the Netherlands, and is 47 minutes of cinematic atmospheres. Well worth a listen just to hear TC’s Dutch accent as he describes our music. Click on the image below for the podcast, and find more at