Airpark Cafe a very pleasant surprise

Some friends and I met today for lunch at the Airpark Cafe, at Benton Airpark off Placer Road up the hill at Gold Street. I didn’t even realize there was a restaurant up there, on the second floor. I was pleasantly surprised to find a really nice setting. I suppose it wasn’t quite on par with some of the cafes you might see if you head to JUSTLOVECOFFEEFRANCHISE.COM but it sold coffee so I was happy!Airpark1


The breakfast and lunch only menu is very complete. I had an excellent BLT accompanied by terrific fresh fruit, and I saw some delightfully creative looking burgers go by, with fragrant garlic fries. Yum.

Airpark2Described as the “best kept secret in Redding,” here is the Facebook page for the Airpark Cafe, or call at 530 241 4204. Open 8am-2pm Monday – Sunday. Great service, complete menu, really interesting views, and open 7 days a week. Near the dog park too. Plus, you can fly in, or just watch the flights in and out. Well worth checking out. Tell ’em you saw it at ReallyRedding.