Low gas prices continue to amaze

Gold Bentley Hummer not in Redding
Auto Fuel went up a bit this week, but is still astonishingly low. While it’s lovely to fill up for $25, and definitely bringing out the fuel guzzler classics and monster trucks around town again, it is also somewhat disconcerting. Fuel prices dropped far and fast. There was no abrupt increase in supply. Either the price variation reflects huge loss of demand, or deliberate manipulation of prices. Neither prospect is comforting to consider. There is talk of raising a gas tax. I will be surprised if anyone has the guts to do that, but then it’s been a surprising year.
Chrome-Mercedes-SLR definitely not in Redding
You can’t get much more ostentatious than this Chrome Mercedes McLaren SLR. At least not yet. Surely the opposite of “green” is chrome.

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