$2500000 what a great deal bomb shelter (red bluff)

I love real estate. You never know what’s next. Who knew that you could get a bomb shelter in Red Bluff for only $2.5m?
Here’s the description:

approx 4,000 sq ft five flights of stairs below the surface of the earth, 2-generators 2-compressors air filtration system, hoist with approx two ton capasity, was built by federal government, 10 acres of land, decontamination room, well, septic, on top of mountain with awesome views of the valley. about 13 minutes from down town red bluff. hellecopter is not included. serious inquiries only.

Too bad about the ironically named “hellecopter.” Anyway, live through the apocalypse in the style to which you have become accustomed. Call me for more details.

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