Welcome to my world

My name is Skip. I am a Realtor. I am a team leader in the Peak Performer team at Coldwell Banker C&C Properties of Redding California. More than that, I am husband, son, dad, and contributing member of my community.

The purpose of my blog is to invite you inside my world and town for a glimpse. I figure the more you know, the better things will be for everyone. Redding is a quirky place. I like that.

As for work, real estate is endlessly fascinating. Sometimes it’s like a wildly complex game, where the rules and the players continually change. Other times its not like a game at all, because people put their lives into their housing. Their emotions, dreams, and futures are on the line in any transaction, and you cannot play games with that.

Nevertheless, its my intention to have fun and help people who need real estate related services. And I want to help my colleagues too. This can be a tough business. I figure what comes around, goes around, so I hope that if I help others out, they will help me when I need it. We are all interconnected.

That’s about it. Anyway welcome, dear reader. I hope that even if you don’t learn new anything here, you will at least have enjoyed reading. My intention is to make the reading interesting. See what you think.
