LED suited snowboarder

You may have seen it, but I had to share it here. It’s beautiful.

Glowing Man HD from Jacob Sutton on Vimeo.

The Ski Park looks pretty nice today, although there is no night skiing tonight. Had to post this webcam snap to make up for the drier one I posted earlier in the year. This looks like good Spring skiing.
Skip Park Feb 21
And here’s a recent terrain park video from earlier in February:

Pleasant winter days in Redding, and this awesome Ski Park is just about an hour away. That’s Really Redding.

Lassen Park webcam

Springtime Redding weather leads inevitably to thoughts of camping trips and starry nights. I ran across this webcam for Lassen Park that reminds us that the high country is still in late Winter at this point. Very pretty, nonetheless. Here’s the link the Lassen Park Webcam, so you can witness Northern Sierra Spring as it unfolds daily.
Lassen Park WebcamStarry skies and snowy peaks. It’s ReallyRedding.