A pandemic Spring in Redding

I last posted here during a grim Christmas season. Despite lockdowns and (frequently ignored) masking and sanitizing regimens, infection rates were on the rise with no end in sight. I could not escape a feeling of gloom and uncertainty about how bad it might get.

But it got better… gradually.

A promised vaccine materialized miraculously (THANK YOU scientists), and now my family members and I are vaccinated. Most local kids got back into school months ago, and thankfully in-person instruction proved not to be a serious source of infection. Rates fell fitfully but steadily, and we recently had a 9 day period when there were no Covid patients in an ICU in the Shasta region. Lately the numbers have started to tick back up again. Probably due to people letting their guard down. Nationwide rates are still fearsome, but California still looks pretty good. Now millions have gotten vaccinated, and vaccines are becoming widely available to all.

ATTACHMENT DETAILS Covid-Shasta-3-31-2021

So things are looking up again. You can see it clearly in the re-openings, increased traffic, and people out and about enjoying our terrific Spring weather. I’ve never felt anything like the buzz I got after getting that final vaccine injection. Like a veil of impending doom was lifting. Almost giddy. It’s been a hard year on everyone. But that was then, and this is now.

ReallyRedding once again.

Redding from the bluffs