I assembled my photographs of the Saturday market into a slideshow on Flickr. Check it out HERE.I love the color and sensual shapes of all the produce.
Went up to Seattle for a few days
And stopped at the Oregon Coast on the way back down. Nice to be out of the smoky skies we’ve had here. The most striking thing was to see a city where the economy continues to boom (think Microsoft and Boeing). Real Estate hasn’t really crashed there. The restaurants are all busy. It has a very different mood than home. Good to be back though. Erin took care of business here while I was away, and wanted me to replace my latest post about fleas with something else. Anything else. Well here’s a Seattle shot.
Fire sale RV spotted on 273
Cursed home for sale
Ran into this while showing bank-owned homes to a buyer yesterday. It’s at the front door. She said it was a curse on the house.
She said “I know how to remove the curse,” to which I replied “So do I. Tear off the paper.”
And she said, “Well it’s a bit more complicated than that.”
Maybe so. Too bad for the seller.
Happy Indpendence Day 2008!
The Fourth of July is always a large celebration in Redding. This year it is decidedly low-key because of all the forest fire activity going on. They canceled the big fireworks show, for instance. That’s usually a big deal around here, but the cancellation seems totally appropriate given the fire situation. Anyway, when morning arrived it was so lovely outside, we rode our bikes on the River Trail and I took a few photos. We didn’t have to drive a hundred miles, and our fun was all human-powered. That’s what I love about Redding, all this beauty, all inside the city limits. Click here to see my photos. Meanwhile, we are barbecuing burgers with family for the rest of the day. Happy Independence Day to you!
Smoky days
Lightning caused fires fill our skies with smoke this week. One observation is that every piece of property has the same view -none. Smoke, the great equalizer! In fact it’s getting to be downright unhealthy (hack, cough). I was showing property to a couple from Florida and they said it looked like L.A. Oh, the unkindest cut…. anyway I hear it may rain in a few days, and that would be welcome. The photo below is of the County Administrative Building in the haze, sporting a wan orange disk of a sun, that would otherwise be blinding. I took some scary photos of the Motion fire above Shasta Dam. Take a look. Photos at http://www.RedHotHomes.info/Gallery/Fire2008/
Fire is a fact of life (and death) in the Northstate. Be safe.
Saturday is Farmer’s Market Day
Breakfast for 10,000
We attend the Annual Pancake breakfast in Roaring Gulch (Redding) 2008
I don’t know of any other town that does this. Really fun!
We ate our pancakes while sitting across from Shasta Voice’s Mary Machado and her husband. Really interesting conversation from these civic movers and shakers.
It was a really hot day, but we dressed western, minus the hats.
Ugly dogs spotted on Sundial Bridge
Trailer Joe’s coming soon!
Announcing a new franchise Trader Joes finally coming to the Hilltop area, bringing to an end the continual speculation of the “Buzz on the Street” guys in the Record Searchlight. Just today, there was ink spilled regarding how they just can’t get enough dried organic fruit and other snooty stuff at the Chico Trader Joe’s.
Trader Joe’s continues our community trend toward franchises and big box stores.
Seriously, where were the “Buzz” boys when local Bry’s Market was clinging to life?