Breakfast with the Brewers, and 10,000 of their closest friends

Pancake Breakfast
It’s always nice to be a big name-dropper on your blog. Today I crashed the Brewer’s place for breakfast. They had like 10,000 guests.

Pancake Breakfast

Notice how pleased Steve is to see me and my camera? Hi Steve! Whatcha havin? (BTW Steve’s thinking of using me in one of his books…crime novels need victims, you know)
Pancake Breakfast

Kelly took some shots too. There were a lot of people there. Hi everyone! Welcome to Redding. Let’s eat!
Pancake Breakfast
Erin’s got a plateful.
Pancake Breakfast
These are some hard working cowboys. All for charity. Our thanks go to everyone involved.
Pancake Breakfast
This kid was really cute.
Pancake Breakfast
A tip of the hat to this longtime Redding tradition. The Asphalt Cowboy’s Pancake Breakfast. A true Redding original. See you again next year!
Pancake Breakfast

I heard you! Shame on you for saying that. No, I did not find my cowboy hat in a dumpster.

More inevitable cat photos

Butch, the neighbor’s cat wandered by our backyard BBQ for Mother’s Day.
Butch the cat
The key to hunting is to look relaxed.
Butch the cat
When he spots something, he hits them with the ol’ hypnotic eye.
Butch the cat

Butch the cat!

Butch the cat
Hope you had a most excellent Mother’s Day.

Mr. and Mrs. Black Phoebe eat flies and have babies

An outdoor speaker under the pool shed eaves in our backyard has proven to be suitable housing for a family of Black Phoebes.
I put a small videocamera on a stick and gently shoved it in the eaves to see if I could see what was happening in the nest, a la Turtle Bay eagle cam. Last week there were a few eggs, and yesterday there were a couple of pink blurs with yellow beaks. It’s too close for my cheapo videocamera to really make much out, but in any event, there’s obviously a family here.
Black Phoebe
The Black Phoebes are a species in the family “Tyrant Flycatcher.” That’s something they do well.
Black Phoebe
Every so often, they fly off in a loop, to catch flying bugs I can’t even see. I tried to get an action shot, but good luck on that. They’re fast! These still shots will have to do.
Black Phoebe
Apparently, they like streams and ponds, but evidently they think our swimming pool is just fine too. Thanks to Karry for identifying the species for me.
Black Phoebe

Extreme autos race one another at the Redding Dragstrip

Dueling jet cars
There is something utterly visceral about watching two jet powered cars race. You have to be there to feel it. Last night, these two “cars” spooled up, and took off down the track at over 200 mph. Afterwards, there was a moment of stunned silence in the crowd, like we all couldn’t believe what we just saw and felt. Then, an exhilarated cheer, almost in unison. We all turned and looked at one another as if to confirm “Did you see/feel that too?” I was laughing so hard. What sort of looney-tunes do you have to be to strap yourself onto a ROCKET, and then race somebody?
Dueling jet cars
You think your job is tough. The two track workers you can just see, crouched toward the left of this shot, are literally sandwiched between two plasma plumes of death!
Dueling jet cars

Escapee from Turtle Bay found hiding on our porch

We ran across this hardened escapee from Turtle Bay. Perhaps Turtle Bay is like Pelican Bay, and escapees should be considered dangerous.
We live along the Sulphur Creek watershed, so it was a clear path to freedom for the smelly escapee.
Did I mention that it smelled bad? Don’t let that smiling face fool you.

Trailer Joe's not scared of new competitor Trader Joe's

Trailer Joe's storefront
I checked with the staff at Trailer Joe’s down on Hwy 273 to see if they felt threatened by the upcoming opening of competitor Trader Joe’s up in Redding. There was much laughter and derision when it was pointed out that Trader Joe’s probably didn’t even carry cigarettes or lottery tickets. “How do they even expect to stay in business?”, said one incredulous customer. There was, however, much agreement with having the outhouses in front of the store instead of out back, which might be an innovation worth copying. See below:
Trailer Joe's storefront

Kool April Drags coming up soon

KAD ad
Less than a month to the Kool April Nites car show, and the drag races that accompany the big event. Bob Lidell of the Redding Dragstrip asked me to make an ad for the program, and this is it. I like how it turned out, if I do say so myself. They are my photos too. Click on the ad to go to their website, where I am the volunteer webmonster.

The non-profit Redding Dragstrip brings a fair amount of money into town. The Redding Dragstrip is the longest continuously operating NHRA racing facility in the US. This one event pretty much makes or breaks their whole season, so pray for sunny skies at about 70 degrees. Start praying now…