Cooking at the Cascade serves up satisfying results

We attended the final show of the Cooking at the Cascade series last night and had a blast.
Redding's Cooking at the Cascade series
Prior to the movie we watched demonstrations onstage on how to make some nifty mixed drinks. Photo appropriately fuzzy. Yea Mojitos! I’d never had one until last night. More than one, for that matter. I felt like Hemingway in Havana. Here’s a link to the recipes.
Redding's Cooking at the Cascade series
The Spanglish movie was not your typical Adam Sandler movie, for sure. I hadn’t seen it. I thought Tea Leoni playing Adam Sandler’s wife nailed the stereotype, and that part was pretty hilarious.
Redding's Cooking at the Cascade series
Afterwards, we were served demo-food, including the yummy pork shoulder they were roasting all day in a Big Green Egg barbeque/oven. Which was later given away in a drawing that night. Nice prize. A great time was had by all. As we stepped out into the warm Redding night, there was much activity and a lot of people downtown. The whole place was hoppin’.

A News Cafe Birthday party

A News Cafe Anniversary
We attended last night’s one-year Birthday Party for Food for Thought / A News Cafe. It was a blast. Lots of people I hadn’t seen in quite a while, and very well attended considering the rainy weather.
Doni Chamberlin
I did one of those “stick out your arm with the digicam and take us both” shots here with hostess with the mostest Doni Greenberg. Big fun!
Write-in candidate for City Council, Philbert Fountain performs his magic with a Sharpie.
Jim Dyar Band in Redding The Jim Dyar band was really perfect for the gig. I was happy to see Marvin Allen there, on the left. He’s one of my very favorite Redding musicians. Truly a talent. I wish I could have spent more time just enjoying the band, but good food from Andrea of the Bakers Love blog, and lively conversation filled the room. I also wished I had brought a better camera.
A really fun moment for the night was meeting Craig and Erin Friedman of the Still Married band and blog, and realizing Craig and I knew one another from way back when. I’d been to their blog, but didn’t recognize him. Also I didn’t realize until the party that I knew Ann from Infinite Designs from years ago. It’s a small world. A world with excellent birthday parties, too.