The weather was perfect. The strip had a great turnout. Some seriously fast cars showed up. And all manner of road warriors tested their reactions and machinery, true to the spirit of Street Legal Racing. Here are a few images from last Saturday.It was also Big Bike weekend, so there were plenty of cyclists in attendance. It was a really successful event for our local, non-profit Redding Dragstip. I’m not sure when ESPN will run their footage on TV, but I will keep you informed. I volunteer to run their website, so I took a lot of photos I’ll be using throughout the year. Good work RDS. We are a car town, and this institution is Really Redding.
Six lanes and smoggy skies
Interstate 5 is six lanes wide now in Redding. With thick smoke from local wildfires standing in for urban smog, we can glimpse a future where our town begins to resemble the rest of California. So best get your furnance and air filters 20×25 ordered, because if this is the way Redding is heading, you’re going to be changing them a lot.
Just need to fill up the lanes with bumper to bumper traffic, and the image will be complete.
Progress, or so it would appear.
Visit the Redding Dragstrip after Kool April Nights
We don’t seem to hear much about the non-profit Redding Dragstrip during Kool April Nights. But for me, seeing powerful and expensive showcars actually perform at speed has always been an integral part of this week’s festivities. This year, the event promises to be bigger and badder than ever.
The longest continuously operating NHRA facility in the known universe, a Redding tradition since the 1960’s. This is always their biggest weekend for attendance and money. With weather looking terrific, this year looks good. Come experience the heat and power. Click below for a printable flyer.
KAD 2012 Flyer 200dpiBW
I think for a number of core enthusiasts, Kool April Nights would be just another carshow without the Redding Dragstrip. We are fortunate to have both events.
All photos by Skip Murphy @ Kool April Drags 2011
Space age custom car for sale seen on Hilltop Drive
Here’s a mysterious looking custom out for sale spotted on north Hilltop Drive today. Not sure of it’s indeterminate origins or motoring pedigree, but it certainly looks Redding enough, despite the Oregon License plate. Only $2700 separates you from ownership of this one-of-a-kind custom ride.
Okay, okay. So it has some rough spots. Don’t even think about that. Instead, imagine the wind in your hair and the sun on your face, as you smile and wave at every puzzled passerby while you tool down the winding country roads, or wide open urban boulevards. Except when its raining. Rain looks tough.
Forget the rain. You are the 4 speed white phantom in your unusual automobile, behind grill emblazoned with the white winged “A” as you leave them wondering if what they saw was what it looked like. That’s Really Redding.