Old Thyme Bed and Breakfast of Redding

Edit 2019. This place is closed and the owners moved to Jacksonville Oregon.

Here is one of our well loved B&Bs, Old Thyme of Redding.
They posted a video to offer guests some idea of what delights they may expect.

OldThyme2</aOldThyme3Highly recommended. Old Thyme is ReallyRedding.
Your hosts: Tony and Linda Kilcollins
Spoken languages English, Phone: +1530-241-1444
Be sure to Like Old Thyme on Facebook too.

We keep a list of Redding area lodgings and B&Bs at the tab near the header.

You cold, east coast?

While the east coast literally freezes today and posts pictures of ice skating on their toilets, this Redding driver enjoyed a lovely day in a nice car on Lake Boulevard.
Corvette2 on Lake BlvdShot taken through my windshield.
Say, I just had a thought. If you east coast types ever decide that living in a place where going outside in a t-shirt can KILL YOU is maybe bad for business, you should know we have an empty business park just sitting in Redding called the Stillwater Business Park. I can help you relocate. Redding is good for business, but bad for skating on your toilet.
StillwaterOkay, technically that toilet skater is in Canada. Maybe you guys should consider Redding too, eh?

The Finale approaches for Tenor’s Liquor

Tenors LiquorIt’s difficult to believe, but a liquor store is going out of business in Redding.

Tenor’s belied it’s last-chance location with focused selection, and an incongruous ability to engage staff with a well informed conversation about single malt Scotch.

I’m told the owner’s interests shifted elsewhere, and so it goes.
Tenors Liquor in ReddingBefore it was Tenor’s, it was Roy’s. A blue collar standby. The property was slated for a game-changing upscale hotel. But big league dreams sometimes come and go in our town.

A toast to Tenor’s, then. Followed by a stiff shot. What dreams may come.
Meanwhile, 10% off for cash buyers on what remains in stock, for a few fleeting days.