An abstract music video with score by Craig Padilla and me.

An appropriately hypnotic video by visual artist Zrnho set the music Craig Padilla and I recorded in 2010 using analog synthesizers.
Set the controls for full screen and full volume, and get ready to space out…

Nice to see this indigenous Redding music translates across the Atlantic. Pleasurable listening right down to the cerebral cortex for me, as it brings back fond creative memories. Thanks Zrnho. Your work is inspiring. Check out many more clips at his prolific online video channel. Gotta love the interweb.

Should mention too that you can buy this CD directly from Craig, and get a better fidelity recording along with the cool cover art.

The Water

A little Norwegian time lapse, set to Moonlight Sonata. Perfect before bedtime.

The Water from TSO Photography on Vimeo.

I really enjoy this artists work: I think you’ll like it too. You may want to Like his fan page to encourage more of his fine art. It would be lovely to do something similar with our Trinity Alps as subject.

LED suited snowboarder

You may have seen it, but I had to share it here. It’s beautiful.

Glowing Man HD from Jacob Sutton on Vimeo.

The Ski Park looks pretty nice today, although there is no night skiing tonight. Had to post this webcam snap to make up for the drier one I posted earlier in the year. This looks like good Spring skiing.
Skip Park Feb 21
And here’s a recent terrain park video from earlier in February:

Pleasant winter days in Redding, and this awesome Ski Park is just about an hour away. That’s Really Redding.

Video of a quick motorcycle ride up Buckhorn

Ran across this interesting video the other day. Highway 299 is the road from Redding to the coast. The Buckhorn Summit is characterized by some tight corners along the mountainside. This rider strapped a video camera to his bike, and went for a fast ride.

For years, I drove this road weekly. Going back to when there were one-lane bridges in Trinity County on 299. The road is much better now, but Buckhorn can be a challenge. Before you try a fast ride, just be aware that the road is particularly unforgiving. Misjudged corners can easily become fatal errors. Not only that, but you never know who, or what, you’ll find in your lane as you go round. You feel lucky?

When DEVO came to Redding in December 1982

Devo plays redding ca at the civic auditoriumMark MothersbaughWow, was it thirty years ago? Looking through an old box in the closet, I ran across these photographs I took at the Redding Civic when DEVO came to town in 1982.

Are we not men? We are DEVO!

Sure, it looks like the singer is wearing a flower pot hat, but DEVO fans know them as “Energy Domes.” I was a fan back then, but not enough to have bought a ticket. A friend gave me the ticket. Her 15 year old daughter won the seats from a radio promotion, and mom really didn’t want to go. Front row! Hence, the good shots. The show was much better than I expected.

Devo singerThis was the era of the “It’s a Beautiful World” single, which was a show highlight.

It’s a beautiful world we live in,
A sweet romantic place,
Beautiful people everywhere,
The way they show they care
Makes me want to say,

It’s a wonderful time to be here,
It’s nice to be alive,
Wonderful people everywhere,
The way they comb their hair

It’s a beautiful world (three times)
For you (three times)

Devo rocks ReddingEverything I’d heard by DEVO was sort-of deliberately sterile sounding, I think. Art music. Almost a parody of itself. Certainly a sarcastic reflection of pop culture.

The funny thing about pop culture is that even self-parody acknowledgement of its own banality becomes more pop culture, perhaps even the best of it.

What I wouldn’t have guessed was how hard they rocked. Obviously, having risen through the punk clubscene, they’d learned to move an audience. This wasn’t studio music played live. They engaged the crowd, playing it hard with abandon. Up front, and hearing mostly the stage monitors, I was impressed. A tight rock band.

Mark Mothersbaugh in redding CADevo singer Mark Mothersbaugh has gone on to become an accomplished artist in both film scores and visual arts. An extremely impressive list of accomplishments by any measure.
They still play as a band too. The DEVO webiste had recent video from a SF show at the Fillmore.
I like the final image in my series. You can tell this was taken some time ago. Outstretched arms aren’t holding up cell phones recording the moment. They were just in the moment.
Devo rocks the civic in 1982
All photos by Skip Murphy, 1982. Below, I wanted to post one of their many online videos, but it was so hard to pick one. This one was recorded just few days ago, 1-13-12 @The Fillmore. Impressive longevity for any band!

Stunning time lapse of Yosemite

Just about anything having to do with Yosemite is stunning. This qualifies. Good time lapse photography is harder than it looks, making this effort all the more admirable. Best viewed full screen.

Yosemite HD from Project Yosemite on Vimeo.

More of Project Yosemite at their link.
Lovely work, and I can imagine how much work it really was. Although nothing compares to Yosemite in grandeur, I would put our local Trinity Alps near Redding on a level similar. The granite, the sky, the solitude. Some time lapse imagery of Morris Meadow and Emerald Lake would be excellent.

A Christmas Party for kids put on by the local REALTORS

Here’s a video I did of this year’s Christmas Party for special needs kids put on by the Shasta Association of Realtors along with the support of the community and local businesses. We hold it at the Elks Club in Redding. 2011 marks the 39th annual party. As usual, a great time was had by all. Watching the video is a nice way to get some holiday cheer today. Our great thanks go out everyone involved. Merry Christmas!

Shasta REALTORS Christmas party for kids 2011 from Skip Murphy on Vimeo.