Category: Art

  • Odd, yet compelling yard art

    We like pictures of weird yard art here at ReallyRedding. This qualifies.
    yard art near redding caNot sure why, but the grinning skeleton just looks appropriate here.skeleton yard art near redding ca>As seen on Old Alturas Road yesterday. A Skeleton on an old tractor. it’s ReallyRedding.

  • New music piece inspired by a photo

    Baby in  a carseat in redding by skip murphy
    Swaddled by SkipMurphy Somebody plopped this little human in front of me while I was at work in the office. I don’t know who it is. Not thinking much about it, I took a picture with my iPhone. Later, seeing the image inspired me to try and capture the musical feelings I got from looking at the image. Like some art, I’m not sure I got what I wanted. So this remains a musical sketch. But art can be surprising. Perhaps like this baby:

    It will grow on me over time.
    It may not be finished. Whatever finished means.

  • A few Images of Art on the Wild Side

    Art on the Wild Side in Redding CAArt on the Wild Side in Redding CA>Wine, cheese and fruit were served to the patrons of the Art on the Wild Side sale and auction held at Win River last Saturday to benefit the Shasta Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation center.
    We saw some really inspirational art and crafts, sampled some excellent vintages, and enjoyed the always terrific hospitality of Win River. Some lovely art pieces went for bargain prices too, although we hope the center raised an appropriate amount for their good cause. Ray John did the auctioning.
    Art on the Wild Side in Redding CA owlThere were several critters on hand to add to the scene. Their was also live music provided by Craig Padilla, to the accompaniment of slides of the various animals and projects that have been helped.
    Art on the Wild Side in Redding CA

    (Bottom image) This service was another of the auctioned items. Somebody got a good deal on these and many more. There was also a silent auction. A terrific time was had by all. Hopefully it will help this fine cause. See you all again next year!

  • Art on the Wild Side features musician Craig Padilla

    Come to a Wild Art Event – view and buy art work by many artists and a wide variety (pottery, oil paintings, photography, wood working etc.) and there will be wine tasting. Admission is $10 and includes an etched wine glass. Silent auction and live auction.” Saturday November 6, Noon to 6 pm at the WinRiver Event Center.

    My friend and longtime musical collaborator Craig Padilla will be appearing there in a rare solo performance. He has some new material you haven’t heard (but I have) and it promises to be a terrific afternoon of music not often heard around here lately. I’ll be there. Then it’s on to ShopHop for a full evening of local shopping. It’s Really Redding.

  • Red Bull on Lake Blvd gets a makeover

    We noticed that the kitsch art sign we like at Finish Line Auto Body got a makeover since we first featured this iconic Redding advertising last year. Displaying a new flaming paint job and it’s very own special pedestal parking spot. Nice upgrade. It’s Really Redding.

  • Human Electric Hybrid Car from Oregon

    Check out this video of a Human Electric Car that may possibly be produced in Eugene Oregon. Using a plug-in electric propulsion system, one person can drive this car up to 60 mph on flat terrain. With 4 people, it can be powered by humans alone. It’s an intriguing prototype. I like seeing the similar terrain of Eugene in the background of the video, and imagining these things around town here. There’s a bit more at this link about the car and it’s creator, Charles Greenwood, who seems very much in the spirit of the independent American inventor and hot rod enthusiast. You can pre-order one now. I wish him well, and hope to see these vehicles cruising our Redding boulevards of the future.

  • Unusual Redding yard art americana

    Yard art in Redding CA
    We like odd yard art here. Here’s an example. What better example of americana can you imagine than a decorated rusting American car, neatly displayed with a metal pine tree? As seen on Verda Street in the Garden Tract. It’s Really Redding.
    Yard art in Redding CA

  • Fantastic fairie photo from the fourth.

    4th of July fun in MtShasta Ca
    One more look at our 4th of July 2010, with an image I took of Erin at Mt Shasta cavorting with street fairies. Erin processed the image till it looked quite surreal, and posted it in Facebook. But it was real, alright. It just looks so …odd. Just another day in Mt Shasta.
    4th of July fun in MtShasta Ca

  • Alice and Kev are homeless

    I stumbled upon this unique narrative, and want to share. This blog follows the lives of a homeless young girl Alice, and her father Kev. They are Sims.

    Alice and Kev

    For those unfamiliar, Sims 3 is a complex and very popular computer simulation game that allows players to build communities of simulated people living simulated lives. Although the initial setup and play is controlled by the gamer, the characters have a degree of autonomy, and something akin to free will. In this narrative Alice and Kev are a homeless father and daughter, and the blog follows their daily lives.

    Reading draws you into their world. Without giving it away, the unexpected humanity is revealed within the irrationality of it all. Like any fiction, something about our human condition becomes poignant, even though none of what you read really happened. Thought provoking and fresh. Well worth your time.

    Not Really Redding, to be sure. Sim Redding, absolutely.

  • Ornamental Manzanita

    Manzanita is truly ubiquitous around here. The hardy bush thrives in solid clay, hard rock, and parched earth. I’ve sometimes heard harsh language used to describe this tenacious plant, for all sorts of reasons. But then I’ve seen the leaves sparkle in morning frost and dew. And I’ve admired the sculptural reddish wood as it gnarls and flows into resilient branches. Both loved and hated, Manzanita is just a fact of life around here. But this ornamental use of it is unique.
    Located on Highway 299W, you’ll see these fanciful beauties on your right, just before Swasey Drive as you head toward Whiskeytown. I’ve admired these for a long time.
    I just think these specimens are fabulous. Disciplined trimming reveals their inner beauty. Given this plants hardiness and ability to adapt under Redding’s often extreme climate, it’s odd that we don’t see this use more often. True Xeriscaping. I’ve seen folks go to bizarre lengths to keep a lawn green around here, as though Redding was somehow the British Isles. Really, they could just visit if they want to make sure their lawn looks its best. Meanwhile, you could plant these ornamentals in your yard and likely never water them. Just fertilize occasionally with chunks of cement and broken glass, and watch ’em grow. It’s Really Redding.
