High speed rail to Redding

My friend Dave Rowney posted an image on Facebook that sparked my imagination.
Daves train 3Okay, so this is actually the TGV train from Paris to Barcelona. And then I added the Redding destination sign. A person can dream.

I’ve posted about this subject before. High speed rail would put Redding on the map.
This map. I didn’t alter it. Click to enlarge. R-E-D-D-I-N-G.
Rail map
Local business people wring their hands about our admittedly sparse airline service. How great would it be to hop on a train or two, and ride to Chicago? It would be really great. More about the HSR project at the official website:
Rail HSRRedding began as a rail town. We stand to gain a lot from high speed rail. Thanks Dave Rowney, for letting me abuse your terrific travel photo to help make the point. Here’s the unaltered original.Daves train