Jack’s Seafood in Eureka

We dined at the new Jacks restaurant in Eureka recently.
Jacks EurekaIt’s one of the newest restaurants in Eureka, and one of only few restaurants actually on the waterfront. I think the other waterfront restaurant might be Cafe Marina on Woodley Island.

Jacks waterfront1Eureka Jacks room 1Eureka Jacks appetizers1Above, butterfly shrimp and crab salad in avocado. Below, swordfish and scallops.

Eureka Jacks main1Years ago, I worked regularly in Eureka and we dined often at Lazios, which sadly burned to the ground, or burned to the harbor, years ago.  That place had authenticity (and an interesting story) The new Jacks looks to establish that fresh fish/waterfront element to the Humboldt Bay restaurant scene. They even have outdoor seating, which makes some sense in the new warmer climate Eureka seems to have obtained.

You should try Jacks when next in Eureka.  More at the Jacks website. Just about 3 hours from Really Redding.Eureka Jacks1