Pope Francis pays a visit to the U.S.

I’m happy that the Pope is visiting the U.S. today. I admire him. I was raised a Catholic, although I have not considered myself to be such since a young man. This Pope seems much different than most during my lifetime. Pope Francis appears more humble, thoughtful, and less imperious. I find him inspiring. Last year we toured the Vatican on a somewhat rainy day, and I was lucky to capture some very nice photos. I thought the occasion of his visit a good excuse to look them over again.
Below, we pose in St Peter’s Square, where the Pope addresses crowds.
Kary and Skip at the VaticanThere was so much gorgeous art and architecture at the Vatican, it was overwhelming.

From Wikipedia: “Throughout his public life, Pope Francis has been noted for his humility, his concern for the poor, and his commitment to interfaith dialogue.” A much needed spirit for our times. Welcome to the U.S, Pope Francis. We are blessed by your presence.