Old Millhouse Deli in Redding


If you are looking for a taste of funky, old time Redding, yeah… they serve that here at Old Millhouse Deli.
It’s been around a long time, and managed to evade much change. We are reminded of the relaxed and unpretentious restaurants and delicatessens that sprinkled Shasta County from the late ’70s. Places like Le Chamois on Market Street, or at least a half dozen other pecky cedar palaces whose names have faded over time. The vibe has not faded, however.Millhouse 7-720Millhouse5-1280Millhouse 4-1280Above, the fresh potato salad side. Below, the chicken sandwich is a standout, moist and satisfying. The lovely Karry had a BLT. We’ve eaten here countless times over the years. It’s one of the few restaurants near Whiskeytown Lake.Millhouse 3-1280

Millhouse10-1280Looking for nouvelle cuisine coupled with contemporary atmospherics and free wi-fi? Old Millhouse has none of that. But if you want a course of authentic Old Shasta with a side of ’70s funk, well you just hit the jackpot.

The Old Millhouse Deli has a Facebook Page, but I’m not finding a website. It’s not that kind of place, really. They are semi-famous for epic pizza and music on the outdoor patio, but this drought year, you may not get that full experience. Also, the last time we were there, the sign out front was shattered into pieces, so you might need your GPS to even find the place.

Worth it.

4478 Eureka Way (Hwy 299W) Redding Ca 96001. Phone 241 9011.

Really, really Redding.