Chatty-Kathy’s Cafe in McArthur

This restaurant is a fine example of a rural, small town cafe. They serve breakfast and lunch in the classic American style. We stopped in for a late lunch on a rainy day recently.

I’ve seen it packed for the noon hour. A cafe like this serves more than food for this small agricultural community. It’s a place to see your neighbors, and talk about things. Hence the name. Chatty.


The lovely Karry opted for a Patty Melt. I ordered the special, a Jalapeno Burger.

ChattyKathyJalapenoBurgerThe food was good, but the Ham and Bean soup was really outstanding. A tangy, rich flavor that triggered memories of similar soups I’ve enjoyed in the past. Taking me back, as though an elixir of youth. It really hit the spot on this blustery day. Warming the bones.ChattyKathy3

Located in bustling downtown McArthur,  about 75 miles due west of Really Redding on Highway 299E. On the south side of the street, you can’t miss it. They don’t seem to have a website, but that doesn’t mean much out here. Although I had good 4G reception, fiddling with my phone seemed somehow out of place. People don’t come here for the wi-fi. They come for much more.

Best to find yourself fully in the moment, in the Chatty-Kathy.