Scott at Sleakphotography is an amazing photographer. You can tell he puts a lot of effort and skill into his images, so visit his website for more. Here’s a video he posted from last night’s 4th of July celebration in Redding. Our city’s annual free fireworks display, courtesy of the McConnell Foundation.
Scott really has a good eye, but great photography is a complex skill set made of technical knowledge, planning and preparation, and an artistic drive. I met a great many photographers during my career with Kodak, and Scott’s work is clearly among the best at his vocation. He’s developed a style of his own, which is rather like finding your voice in writing. A defining talent. You can also follow Sleakphotography on Facebook, where I look forward to his frequent posts. This image below looks great because of planning, exposure, experience, time, and effort. Nice shot.
Of course it never hurts that we live in an area of such great beauty. It’s Really Redding.