ESPN to shoot Redding Dragstrip racing this weekend!

So this is a big deal for our local dragstrip and for Redding! The ESPN TV crew is coming out this Saturday night, October 13 to shoot the Street Legal races. They are bringing a professional announcer who is legendary in drag race circles, Bob Frey – official NHRA National Event announcer.
Street legal racing in Redding by Skip Murphy
The last time we had a Street Legal event, it attracted more than 120 cars. This event promises to be much bigger AND much faster!
Redding dragstrip by Skip MurphyWheelie at Redding Dragstrip by Skip MurphyBurnout in Redding by Skip Murphy

So, how much to get in for this epic event?
JUST $5.
That’s some Really Redding pricing! Come out and be a part of this crazy scene!
More at http://Redding
Redding Dragstrip. The oldest continuously operating NHRA track in the known universe.

Redding area photographer Chris Nelson

Redding’s natural beauty has inspired many photographers. Here’s a local lensman named Chris Nelson. You can see some of his work by clicking on the image, or at
Distopher Photography

Beautiful work from Chris, who is also involved in Dentistry apparently. You can click on over and buy some prints, and/or hire him for your event too.
Hire Chris Nelson for your very own photo session or event!
Capturing light, that’s Really Redding

Single track helmet cam kid shows us what it’s like

This is probably Maine, not Redding. But I just had to curate this engaging video. You may have seen it already, since it seems to be going viral. I say 1000 extra dad-points to you sir, for putting the camera on your kid’s helmet instead of yours. Allowing us to share this experience through the eyes of a 4 year old child.

“Dad, go!”
“Oh, I’m first? Okay.”
Then, dad asks, “Can you see well?”
“No, I don’t have to pee.”

LOL! So much fun. Good work, dad. Thanks for sharing.

Redding’s Melodramatics explain their band name

Redding’s Melodramatics have been playing all over the West Coast lately. They have a lot of original material, but here’s a standout video of the boys playing a semi-acoustic Reggae/Ska cover of a Green Day tune that inspired their band name. Mash it up, mon. As you can feel, they know how to get you dancing. Here’s Basket Case; turn it up.

Be sure to Like the Melodramatic Facebook page and follow them on Twitter @melodramatics. Here’s the harder edged Playing It Cool.

If you like what you hear, be sure to check out Dirty Beach at the Reverbnation page. Sounds like a hit to me. Caleb Saccheri, Nate Welch, Rich Hughes, Kyle Paolinetti, bringing Melodramatic hybrid Reggae/Ska to your town. That’s Really Redding.