Redding’s Melodramatics explain their band name

Redding’s Melodramatics have been playing all over the West Coast lately. They have a lot of original material, but here’s a standout video of the boys playing a semi-acoustic Reggae/Ska cover of a Green Day tune that inspired their band name. Mash it up, mon. As you can feel, they know how to get you dancing. Here’s Basket Case; turn it up.

Be sure to Like the Melodramatic Facebook page and follow them on Twitter @melodramatics. Here’s the harder edged Playing It Cool.

If you like what you hear, be sure to check out Dirty Beach at the Reverbnation page. Sounds like a hit to me. Caleb Saccheri, Nate Welch, Rich Hughes, Kyle Paolinetti, bringing Melodramatic hybrid Reggae/Ska to your town. That’s Really Redding.