
Music and Racing set for Redding this weekend

SCO at BombaysRedding art music fans will be pleased to learn SCO is playing Bombays. I got this note:
“Name change and a show on September 15th at Bombay’s. I just got a flyer for an upcoming show by these “warlocks.” They’ve changed their name to Symbiotic Cacophony Orchestra (like the status listed below).”
So, you can log in over at Facebook to Like the Symbiotic Cacophony Orchestra at the link.

Redding DragstripIf original Redding style music isn’t enough to keep you entertained this weekend, you can head over to the Redding Dragstip for the combined Pacific National Open Series and National Dragster Challenge. 3 days of racing. One of the biggest races of the season. Just 10 bucks gets you in. More at the Redding Dragstrip website, or just click on the flaming shifter knob, of course.

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