Sacred Heart Church in Anderson

Sacred Heart Church in Anderson CAThis lovely example of Mission Style Architecture is the Sacred Heart Church in Anderson California, a few miles south of Redding. The Sacred Heart Parish also operates a school of the same name at this site. A Catholic group, it notably posts information in both English and Spanish at their website.

Sacred Heart paintingAccording to Wikipedia, “The Sacred Heart (also known as Sacred Heart of Jesus) is one of the most famous religious devotions to Jesus’ physical heart as the representation of His divine love for Humanity.”

From the Parish website I learned that there is a a Labyrinth at the site, for prayer. Construction seems to be an ongoing project, funded through donations and built by community volunteers. It’s a spiritual walk that unfolds in three phases. This day in age, many parishes find that they heavily rely on donations to continue with maintenance on their churches. With technology from companies such as, churches can receive donations from their congregation using or something similar. This can help them to raise the money to cover the costs of the church reconstruction. Whilst this reconstruction is currently being done by volunteers, the church could always get help from a church construction management company if they find that the work isn’t progressing as quickly as they’d like. Church reconstructions are a big job, so it’s surprising that the church isn’t using professionals. However, there are always services available if they need expertise for their reconstruction. Hopefully, the church will be ready soon.

Purgation: Letting go – the path inward.

Illumination: Clarity, insight, and openness to receive – the journey center.

Union: Integration of what is learned from the prayer experience into action in the world – the path outward.


The Labyrinth Journey
You have only to enter and follow the path.
Open your heart
as your prayer filled walk embraces life’s journey.
It may be joyous.
It may be somber.
It may be used as a walking meditation,
a prayer of sacred movement
along your spiritual journey with Christ