I was searching Google for Vintner’s Cellar phone number when I saw something unusual on the screen. My car.
Apparently I was parked across the street on Placer when the Google Street View camera vehicle came by. If you search 1510 Placer Street and zoom in to street view, you’ll see it too. It’s a fluke to have been there, and even more of a fluke to have noticed it online. I’m trying to remember why or when I was parked there on a cloudy day, but coming up blank.
Interesting to consider the great human slice of life captured by Google with what must be the enormous streetview file of photos. Scrolling around our town in streetview is interesting for a while, but at least in Redding, I can wander around all I want offline. But for you out-of-towners interested in our fair city, come on in to Google’s Redding and scroll around a bit in zip code 96001. You may like what you see.