Beer and Wine Festival images from Saturday

Threatening skies overhead were only bluffing at Redding’s 14th annual Beer and Wine Festival held at the Market Street Promenade. Good thing the clouds were in actually, as the temperature was actually just right for the people and food. Here’s a few shots
The lovely Karry receives a pour of Indian Peak Cab from Z at the Uncorked booth. In the dark blue shirt beyond is Kirk Taylor from GM Specialties on Hartnell. Kirk is a terrific Cadillac mechanic, in case you need one. Always fun to see our local friends and neighbors.
A Market Street Chef seasons a steak. It’s too much to write about all the great food, but some standouts for me were the samples at this booth from Market Street Steak House, the little clams from the Woodside Grill at Gaia, the Garlic Cilantro Quinoa from Grilla Bites, and the scrumptious Lentil Salad from Trader Joe’s. I asked if you could buy that salad at TJ’s and was told “you have to make it.” Sounds like a plan.
Along with all the lovely wine, there was something like 27 different breweries represented. Again, some pours that stood out for me was Hop Stoopid from Lagunitas, Mirror Pond from Deschutes, Drifter Pale Ale, and Tumbler from Sierra Nevada. Nice to have all the variations. It occurs to me that some restaurants ought to offer flights of beer, like they do with wine, so you can sample lots of different brews instead of single big pints. Not that big pints are bad…
A good crowd kept circulating. A DJ kept things hopping.
Here are some familiar Reddingites. I love the background, too.
Here are Amber and Tracy, a couple of colleagues of mine. A good time was had by all. Our thanks go to Viva Downtown and all the vendors. I can’t believe we only do this once a year!