Food assistance at the Farmers Market in Redding

FarmersMarketFoodAssistance325pxLocal residents in need of food assistance can buy fresh organic fruit and vegetables from local farmers using the EBT system at Redding’s Certified Organic Farmer’s Market. This capability allows folks with food assistance money to buy something other than the prepared foods available in retail outlets. Food which is often high in empty calories and low in nutrients.
When you consider how this economic activity ripples through the community, going directly from the families in need, and then straight into the hands of local small farmers, you can see the synergy. The EBT redemption system in Shasta County is available to patrons at the market, and so allows and encourages buying of healthy, organically grown food.

Ian Long is ready to redeem EBT for shoppers.
Ian Long is ready to redeem EBT for shoppers.
In my line of work as a REALTOR, I travel extensively in Shasta County, and I go inside many homes. I see how people really live here. My perception of government provided food assistance has evolved over the years. I started out with a pretty simplistic view about the reasons and results. I have lately come to see the issues involved are subtle and nuanced. No matter what your political view of food assistance might be, encouraging local families to buy fresh, locally grown produce is a benefit with no ideological downside. Its a good idea. It’s Really Redding.
Lining up for peaches
Lining up for peaches