Burney’s new wind power turbines visible from Redding

RS wag Bruce Ross was wondering if you could see the Burney wind turbines from Redding. Yep. These images were taken yesterday, shimmering in the heat.
Burney's windpower turbines visible from redding ca
This is from a ridge overlooking Walgreens and Starbucks on Lake Blvd.
Burney's windpower turbines visible from redding ca
Image taken with a fairly ordinary 200mm Nikon lens. You have to look hard in person, but you can see them.
Burney's windpower turbines visible from redding ca
Beautiful renewable energy (to run my air conditioning!) Now if only somebody can explain why these graceful machines had to be manufactured overseas, I’d be content. We used to actually build things in the U.S. Elegant and clever things…