What can we do with Stillwater Business Park all by ourselves?

I wonder if the time hasn’t come to consider something a bit more radical for nascent Stillwater than just waiting around to see who might show up. Redding is in need of turning a retail economic base into a manufacturing base. We don’t need shopping malls, we need factories. Is there a natural resource here that we can leverage into a finished good? That was key to our past success in mining and lumber. What can we do now? Is it possible to turn our industrial park into something that produces value now and in the future? How about a center for renewable energy products? Maybe software, or games production? These things have great value, and basis elsewhere. But what if we put our minds and hearts into becoming the new nexus for these high value products? What can we offer if we WILL it to be?

I just don’t see why we have to wait for ‘something” to come along. We can make it happen. Just us. Local people working together. I believe that.