A lifetime in 42 seconds

Be sure to let this ‘buffer’ some before watching. Hit play, then pause for a bit.

Last Day Dream from Chris Milk on Vimeo.

It’s a brilliant work of film maker art. I celebrate the artist, Chris Milk. Kudos, sir.

Seeing it for the first time yesterday, it has proven almost too poignant for words. The recent death of Adam Martinez has been in my thoughts.

I knew Adam. Last year I showed him some homes, and helped him write an offer on one in east Redding. It was an unsuccessful bid, and he lost the house to another person. We learned later the winning offer had actually been for less money than Adam’s offer. Adam was very disappointed, and we drifted apart. You write a lot of home purchase offers as an agent, and sometimes they are unsuccessful. There can be any number of reasons. Some fail inexplicably, and others for reasons that become clear only in hindsight. Some lost transactions you forget and move on, but this particular offer has played over and over in my head since then, with a great many what-ifs. Now probably more so.

Erin was acquainted with the young man that struck Adam at the nightclub. A single blow to the head. We see where it’s being investigated as a homicide now. All in a very short instant….a moment that effectively shattered two young lives.

May God bless you Adam. My most heartfelt condolences to your family and friends.