It’s always nice to be a big name-dropper on your blog. Today I crashed the Brewer’s place for breakfast. They had like 10,000 guests.

Notice how pleased Steve is to see me and my camera? Hi Steve! Whatcha havin? (BTW Steve’s thinking of using me in one of his books…crime novels need victims, you know)

Kelly took some shots too. There were a lot of people there. Hi everyone! Welcome to Redding. Let’s eat!

Erin’s got a plateful.

These are some hard working cowboys. All for charity. Our thanks go to everyone involved.

This kid was really cute.

A tip of the hat to this longtime Redding tradition. The Asphalt Cowboy’s Pancake Breakfast. A true Redding original. See you again next year!

I heard you! Shame on you for saying that. No, I did not find my cowboy hat in a dumpster.